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Single women today do have options when it comes to planning their future fertility, Dr Sarah Wakeman from Fertility Associates says.
“We want to help women plan their future fertility, single or in a relationship and then make a choice that is right for them. More and more, we see women feeling the pressure to have a career, own their own home and ideally have found ‘Mr Right’ – and it doesn’t always happen in that order. Or if they have, it might be too soon to have that conversation.”

Thanks to scientific advancements over the years – and the improvement of freezing techniques – there is now the option of egg freezing at Fertility Associates.

This is a way to ‘capture’ your own fertility in time – if you are 35 years of age, your eggs will remain 35, until you might need them in the future. This procedure is the first half of an IVF cycle, where the ovaries are stimulated using medication, followed by an egg collection procedure.

There are two important factors that impact the success of a future pregnancy through egg freezing: the woman’s age at the time of egg freezing, and how many eggs she has in her ‘ovarian reserve’. An AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) test can check the ovarian reserve.

Egg freezing can help women in their 20s or 30s – that may be single or in a relationship – who want to preserve their fertility, for future options. Their future relationship status may see them come back to fertilise their eggs or consider treatment with a sperm donor.

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