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Lynette McFadden has shared close to 25 years working alongside her husband John, which she believes attributes to their success as a team, and as partners.

WITH: Harcourts Gold Real Estate

Look around you at any time during the year and you’ll notice couples going about their lives professionally and personally. Although this integration may appear simple, when you’re working together in business there can be a lot at stake. Some people make it look seamless: they’re calm, happy, on the same page, and pushing for shared goals… but have you ever thought about how they actually do it?

To be fair, I’ve got no idea how others manage, but what I can do is shine a light on how I’ve been able to work happily with my husband, John, for 24 years in a competitive – at times, combative – industry. It’s not necessarily easy, but I’ve learnt lots of lessons and, to be frank, as a team we have achieved so much more than we could have as individuals.

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So, here are some of my personal thoughts. I hope they help.

Communicate. In business, no-one’s an island. Know what you are doing individually and do it, don’t just talk about doing it.

Work to your strengths and offer encouragement. There’s no need to oversee what your partner’s doing. They know what they’re doing and both of you focusing on one thing slows the business – and your momentum – down. John and I have very specific strengths and anything else I outsource or delegate.

Keep any home annoyances at home. If something didn’t go well at breakfast or with children, it doesn’t need to come to work with you or be dropped like a bombshell at a meeting. This only creates discomfort for you and anyone else involved.

Finally, be grateful. It’s a privilege to work with someone you trust and love.

So, there you have it, 4 of my 400 tips! To my mind, this kind of working relationship can make you formidable in business and happy in life.

Enjoy February!

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