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At Rangi Ruru, we are experts in NCEA, the qualification we believe best prepares our girls for their futures. The flexibility of NCEA allows Rangi Ruru teachers and students to construct a learning programme that suits the individual. Our courses are designed to reflect the New Zealand Curriculum, which encourages context and cohort tailored learning opportunities that balance key knowledge and skills alongside capabilities.

From the time that the girls start at Rangi Ruru, we are preparing them for success in NCEA offering learning that positions content – essential skills and knowledge – with contexts in which this knowledge is used. In doing so, we add considerable value to the learning. Combining this with high expectations ensures significant success.

Our girls attain extraordinary levels of endorsement, striving for excellence in both internal and external assessments in NCEA and NZ Scholarship examinations. Balancing learning and performance in a range of subjects that we know our girls need ensures that their graduate profile encompasses both broad skills and in-depth knowledge and experience in chosen areas.

Our girls are engaged in their learning, discovering their expertise and passions, facilitated by a staff of expert practitioners.

One of NCEA’s strengths is that it encourages and assesses skills and attributes that are not subject-specific – research, analysis, critical thinking, for example. Standardisation, rote learning, and regurgitation, hallmarks of previous, and some alternative, assessment systems, do not prepare students for the future, whatever direction that they choose to take. We need to be mindful of pathways into further education and the workforce that will require capabilities such as creativity and collaboration.

At Rangi Ruru, we have developed a responsive curriculum that provides our girls with opportunities at all levels of school to practice these skills and attributes. Our students post-school choices demonstrate how an NCEA qualification allows them access to study world-wide.

With students gaining entry to universities in NZ, Japan, the UK, Korea, the US, and Australia as examples, the pathways cannot be doubted.


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