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Imagine the boost to our central city if an additional 200,000 hotel nights were booked in the next three to four years.

That is the likely number of hotel bookings that will be stimulated by the 67 events confirmed to-date for Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre – this equates to keeping two 300-room hotels full for almost one year.

The events will also see attendees inject a healthy dose of cash – around 40 million dollars – into the local economy as business event travellers tend to spend about twice as much as leisure visitors.

With the central location of Te Pae Christchurch, inner-city restaurants, bars, shops, and hotels are well placed to reap the rewards of those events.

The big question, of course, is how our new business events venue will be impacted by COVID-19, given that the conference and travel sectors have been some of the hardest hit by the virus.

The completion of Te Pae Christchurch has been impacted; border closures mean some lucrative international events have been postponed or cancelled, and there is worldwide uncertainty in the convention sector.

“It has become clear that beyond COVID-19 there will be pent up interest in business events and with our effective response to the virus, New Zealand is an attractive, safe travel destination,” says Te Pae Christchurch general manager Ross Steele.

“The desire to meet remains strong as people – more than ever – want that face-to- face connection with their peers.”

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In the short term, Te Pae Christchurch is focusing on attracting local and national events, and Australasian events for when the trans-Tasman border reopens. It takes up to three or four years to secure big events, so work is continuing with international event organisers.

Many of the events booked will showcase our local sector strengths in growth industries such as medicine and agricultural technology.

“Convention centres not only provide economic value for the cities they are based in, but also drive opportunities for social connection and knowledge sharing.”

A prime example of this is the Aotearoa New Zealand Anaesthesia Scientific Meeting, which is taking place in November 2021.

“With everything the city has faced over the past decade, our medical experts have unique frontline experience and valuable insights that their international colleagues want to hear about first-hand,” Ross Steele says.

The centre has also adapted its operations, developing new hybrid conference offerings for events where some delegates are unable to travel. “Because we are a new venue, we are fortunate to feature all the right equipment to support hybrid events.”

Te Pae Christchurch will also profile the best of our regional cuisine and beverages to the world when the first visitors arrive next year. Akaroa Salmon and Sherwood Estate Wines are already on the menu, and other local suppliers will be added shortly.

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