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 Welcome to 2021: a new year and a new opportunity for all of us to take the lessons we’ve had to master in the previous year and move forward with confidence and wisdom.

In doing that, every year in our business, we identify a theme, a guiding principle or idea, that hopefully inspires us to grow as a company and as individuals.

Previous themes have included ‘Your Bucket List’, which involved identifying objects and experiences that deeply resonated at a personal and a professional level and focusing on these throughout the course of the year. Another was identifying and meeting New Zealand heroes and understanding the qualities and work ethic it took to achieve their accolades.

Last year’s theme, chosen without knowing how incredibly vital it would become in 2020, was ‘Well-being and Resilience’. To say that the learnings we derived from this about how to manage our world during times of great challenge were incredibly beneficial would be an understatement, leading us to this year’s focus with a sense of certainty and gratitude.

The theme for 2021 is ‘Connection’ and everything that encompasses.

Connection with others is so simple on the surface. Still, in a world where waning attention spans, fears about the future, the dominance of social media, and daily life demands all collide, it’s become harder. Therefore, encouraging a deeper connection with ourselves, family, friends, and clients is a quality worth developing. 

To help, we are going to be meeting with some of New Zealand’s most inspiring ‘connectors’, and I’ll look forward to sharing these with you over the year. 

For me, the most important of connections will always be my husband, business partner, confidant, and greatest friend for over 40 years, John. I’m enormously grateful for that and can I wish that deep, mutual connection is part of your year, be it at home, at work, or anywhere else.

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