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It’s an oft-repeated business mantra that people with a strong sense of well-being are happier, healthier, and more productive. 

It’s also acknowledged that providing an environment and culture which reinforces well-being is beneficial for business. 

Health and Hauora fit beautifully into this context; in fact, the Māori philosophy of Hauora is a concept that encompasses an individual’s entire well-being: physical, social, and mental or emotional well-being, as well as spiritual health. Like four legs on a table, these elements support one another whilst providing strength and balance to the whole structure. 

Not that many years ago, physical fitness was the main measurement of health, but that is no longer the case. 

Today, families, schools, workplaces, and other institutions appreciate that without that delicate balance of a relatively healthy body, a calm, steady sense of emotional well-being, safety, and connection, the wheels can come off very quickly. Our beautiful nation has some staggeringly dismal health statistics that demonstrate this. 

Paying attention to what helps foster well-being is important in every environment. 

Healthy environments constitute more than providing a fruit bowl and a grievance process; they value people whilst promoting trust. In such environments, collaboration and communication occur in an open, transparent way, and there’s an awareness of accepting and enabling the diversity of different cultures. 

On the surface, it’s not particularly difficult, but human nature can present some obstacles to achieving these things. 

So, here’s a tiny list of recommendations that could help. Known as ‘Nga Ara Rima’, or ‘Five Ways to Well-being’, they are: Connect, Give, Take Notice, Keep Learning, and Be Active. 

Why don’t you start today? I’ll be beside you.

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