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Sustainability, cruelty-free beauty, conscious consumption, whatever wording you use, it’s a ‘thing’ so many of us are dipping our toes into and a lifestyle I’ve become very passionate about. I’m one of those ‘influencers’, someone who uses social media to inspire my followers to think beyond the pretty fabrics that make up their outfit of the day or what shade of blush they might use in their morning routine. 

It all started three years ago after watching a documentary called ‘The True Cost’, a powerful piece of cinema that gives us insight into what really goes on behind-the-scenes within the fashion industry. It started a snowball effect. Nowadays, I spend much of my time researching beauty brands that use plastic-free packaging, companies that are transparent in who makes their products, and learning how to slow down my overall consumption habits. 

A question I’m often asked is, “So, Danni, where should I start?” or “What if I can’t afford conscious brands?” I believe the most sustainable decision you can make is to use what you already have. Society tells us we always need more, and we always need new – it’s marketing, baby! While there is absolutely nothing wrong with making a new addition to your skincare routine (I’ve recently become obsessed with this, so I understand the rush of using a new serum), I encourage you to consider what you already own. 

Do you need another cleanser when there are already three half-finished bottles on the bathroom sink? Is your life really going to be that much richer for ordering another yoga mat when the one you have works perfectly well? It’s time we stepped away from the notion that new equals good and take stock of the things we currently possess. You’ve got this! 

Join us in welcoming Danni as the latest addition to the Avenues team!

You can check out Danni’s picks for Pamper here.

You can find her on Instagram, and check out her business Slow Muse Store here.

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