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I have experienced the trauma of being the victim of an emotionally abusive relationship. Phew! That’s pretty big, right? Where do I even begin to start my story? Well, today, I actually want to focus on what has been the very sparkly silver lining to my pain. 

Meet Alex. Sometimes in life, you go through things that allow you to see the value in having someone who truly supports you, and that’s my husband. When we first met, I wasn’t the Danni most people know and love today. I was confused about who I was, self-conscious, and insecure. 

Alex was a very big part of my healing. He’s shown me that healthy love is one that empowers, encourages, and leaves room for autonomy and self-expression. As you may have read in last month’s issue, my skin has always been major insecurity for me, a part of myself that in the past I always tried to hide. While I’m very proud of the work that I’ve done in this area, I also acknowledge the freedom that comes from having someone who loves me unconditionally. 

As Alex knows this is something I struggle with, he constantly goes out of his way to build me up. He reminds me my skin is normal; he notices the good days and empathises with the bad ones. His willingness to listen and understand helps me to feel more confident in who I am. 

My hope is that your love is like this, supported to be the best version of yourself no matter how you look on the outside or how you’re feeling on the inside. 

If you would like to know more about my story of emotional abuse, you can find this on my Instagram account under the ‘guides’ section. 

Find Danni on Instagram, here.

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