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Are we free yet? Writing in advance puts you into that most nebulous of places. Is COVID-19 still as prohibitive as it has been, or is our world slightly different?

Can we mix and mingle all day, every day, as we did pre-Level 4 lockdown? Can we go even further, enjoying events and parties – as that season will soon be upon us – and what about all those evening soirées and fundraisers waiting to greet us?

I’m going to take a leap of faith in the knowledge that although this column is being written on the first day of spring, it will be published and read much later, allowing all of this to – hopefully – make sense.

So, here’s to describing the good things lying in wait for all of us. I’ll anchor those expectations with my own personal perspectives on nostalgia.

It’s spring, it will soon be party, wedding, and racing season, and I’m excited.

It’s the perfect time to dress up, and, unlike a vast majority of people, I love the very thought of doing just that with nothing being too much!!

There has been the odd time when my two sons have reminded me that I resemble a Christmas tree more than their mum, something I enjoy doing for the entire month of December.

I’m one of those people who feels more comfortable in bright colours, sequins, red heels, and lipstick… what’s a few sequins between friends?!

I also love Cup Week, although, in 17 years of attendance, I’ve seen very few horses except when I was very young and went with my dad. I have seen a lot of very glamorous young adults before the excitement of the day, and more than a prudent amount of champagne has taken its toll. But who cares? COVID-19 has stopped us all from enjoying the benefits of some light relief, and for some, there’s time to be made up.

So, dress up, kick up your heels, and support our community and businesses as we move into the warmer months.

Life is a beautiful thing, and if you see me dressing like an early rendition of a sparkly Christmas tree, do say ‘hello’!

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