Build your perfect cheeseboard

With summer fast approaching, our days are becoming longer, and sunshine and outdoor entertaining are just around the corner. Our friends at Barrys Bay have shared a few tips with us on how to build the perfect cheeseboard – filled with a range of textures, ages, and flavour profiles.

Something mild

Not everyone loves a strong cheese, so try including a cheese that is approachable, like Barrys Bay Havarti. This cheese is extremely smooth and milky sweet.

A blue

Not for the faint-hearted – give your guests a cheese powerhouse! We love Barrys Bay Peninsula Blue for its big flavour, finished with a hint of sweetness. Try this with honeycomb or a ginger biscuit, and you will not be disappointed.

Platter with punch

We eat with our eyes, so you always want your cheeseboard to look striking. Use a range of colours and textures to draw people’s attention. We love Barrys Bay Wood Smoke for the rich, rustic orange colour and the Peppered Havarti for the great texture! Both are very punchy on a platter.

Hard and mature

For those that do enjoy big flavours, choose an aged cheese like Barrys Bay Aged Gouda or Rinded Cheddar. Keep an eye out for little cheese crystals, a good sign of a well-aged cheese!

Nutty and fruity

Choose a cheese with a distinctive flavour that is not overpowering. We love Barrys Bay Maasdam, which is smooth and nutty. Pairs perfectly with a nice Sauvignon Blanc on a summer’s day.


  • Crusty bread, crackers, and nuts. Or a charcuterie of prosciutto and salami.

  • Try something sweet like honeycomb, chocolate, or fruit paste, after dinner.

  • Olives and gherkins add some briny acidity to balance the rich, creamy cheese.

  • Fresh fruit like grapes, apples, and pears or dried fruit – apricots, figs, and dates.

Liam Stretch