Rumour has it, during March 2020 lockdown, God was discovered chilling out here in Aotearoa. When asked, “What’re you doing here?” he replied, “Working from home”. 

Although a total urban myth, this would make perfect sense, especially as we’re currently one of the world leaders in chasing and almost catching the elusive Covid tail. 

With the ‘hokey cokey’ border situation, open, closed, open, closed, now is a great opportunity to seek out places in our backyard yet to be discovered. 

I remember the summer of 1987, a particularly hot and stuffy year. I was living in London. Belinda Carlisle’s rock anthem Heaven is a Place on Earth belting out from almost every traffic stalled car, supermarket, even the radio in the pub on Coronation Street. Her lyrics, “They say in heaven love comes first, we’ll make Heaven a place on earth”. 

For me, this translates to finding a beautiful place, in the heat of the day, somewhere near water, cliff edge or just a beautiful expanse of grass and eating something divine. 

With the rise of easy, home delivery takeaways, this means as long as I’m near(ish) a large city, a brand new dish can be ordered and enjoyed with friends or just that one special companion, ‘Mr Pinot Gris’ or his exotic cousin ‘Noir’. I’m able to create an alfresco chef’s table to personalised perfection. 

I choose from a plethora of restaurants from my smartphone and dine with the sun on my face and feet in the water. Or a bench overlooking the ocean, 10 minutes from Godley Head. This new summer discovery has me taking along a plate, cutlery, and wine glass. Perhaps a book or fave magazine. It is a decadent treat. 

“In this world, we’re just beginning to understand the miracle of living.”

You can find Jax’s February reviews, here.

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