Signs of the times

WORDS Hannah Harte

Signage is everywhere, but we usually take it for granted. How often have you marvelled at vast neon lettering on the side of a building, noted statuesque monument signs at the entrance to cities, businesses, or subdivisions, or wondered how on earth massive-scale public artworks are constructed? There’s one company in Ōtautahi that has contributed more to the city’s visual identity than anyone would have guessed, crafting an almost endless array of projects in their 30 years of business. 

I spoke with the two directors, Peter Inder and Craig Randall, at their fascinating manufacturing facility and offices at 9 Livingstone Street to uncover the wizards behind the curtain at Signtech. 

The company took off when Peter and Craig started from scratch after the 1991 market crash. They quickly developed a universal approach, according to Peter, “Anything that the customer wanted, whatever you want, we’ll do – it’s a philosophy that we’ve carried right up until this day. We’re always working to the highest standard, totally uncompromising. After doing this for 30 years, we know all the ins and outs, the pitfalls.” Craig elaborates, “It was by the seat of our pants, but we came from a manufacturing background, so we always had a very entrepreneurial look on how we do things, how we looked at things from an engineering side. We got asked to do simple things and complicated things, and we’d just sit down and work it all out and make it, sell it to them, and they were extremely happy, but all this couldn’t have happened without our wonderfully skilled and passionate staff.”

It is overwhelming to process the vast scope of work completed to the tune of almost 50,000 individual jobs, from crafting iconic signage for Christchurch’s most beloved bars, venues, and malls to restoring the full glory of the Town Hall with appropriate timbers and brass lettering to complement the rich hues of a beloved heritage building, to providing car wrapping for small and large businesses, eye-catching illuminated signage, vibrant wallpapers and reception signage, wayfinding, and everything in between. 

Peter points out that “every night, without fail, on every news report in Christchurch, you’ll see one of our signs”. 

“We’re very much a part of how this city looks. We’ve always said this is our Christchurch. We’ve fought fiercely for every major job, every iconic building. We want to put our mark on this city because we trust it, we know it’s going to be good, and we know it’s going to last, and it’s something we can be proud of.” 

If you take a wander around Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre – every single sign in there was manufactured by the company, as well as the stunning white Ngutu, or ceremonial entranceway, Te Aika. 

Signtech’s work with artists, bringing their concepts to life, is something the team looks forward to and finds very exciting. As Peter states, “We are prepared to engage with the greater challenges, and I think that is what sets us apart – we love a challenge; it gets us going.” 

To Craig, signage is his life, it’s his passion, and it’s about exceeding clients’ expectations.

“We must have done something right because we are the most awarded sign company in New Zealand with over 100 industry awards … we’ve always been the first to put our hands up and say, ‘yep, we’ll do it, take it on board’.”

Liam Stretch