Ceviche is one of my favourite things to eat – incredibly creamy and yet so fresh; chewy in a good way and yet absolutely tender and delicate. I love the crunch of the chopped vegetables contrasting with the softness of the fish, and I love the sharpness of the citrus set against the creaminess of the coconut milk. It’s a dish of harmonious opposites. You absolutely must use really fresh fish, though – I love to use trevally, kahawai or kingfish as long as it has been very freshly caught, otherwise use a white-fleshed fish that has a mild flavour, such as snapper or sea bass. I like quite a bit of chilli in my ceviche, but do go lightly on that front if you prefer a more moderate approach.


600g semi-firm, very fresh white fish fillets
juice of 4–5 limes
2 tsp sea salt
1 spring onion, finely chopped
1 stick celery, cut into tiny cubes
1 red capsicum, halved, deseeded and cut
into tiny cubes
2 small Lebanese cucumbers, cut into
small cubes
½ large red onion, finely chopped
2 long red chillies, halved, deseeded
and cut into thin slices
2 cups coconut milk
bunch of fresh coriander, leaves roughly
torn and stalks finely chopped
a few edible flowers (optional)

Start by preparing the fish: remove any fat, bones, blood-lines and skin.

Slice each fillet along the grain into long strips, then cut each strip into even-sized cubes. Place the cubed fish in a glass or ceramic bowl. Add the lime juice and salt. Stir well, cover and place in the fridge for 10 minutes.

Prepare the spring onion, celery, capsicum, cucumber, red onion and chilli while the fish
is curing. Add everything to the bowl with the fish except a few slices of chilli (reserve for a garnish). Stir again, cover and place back in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Remove from the fridge and stir in the coconut milk. Top with the fresh coriander, the reserved slices of chilli and some edible flowers if you have them. Store in the fridge and serve chilled. It will keep in the fridge for a few days. I love to make a big batch and then eat it for lunch for the next few days.

Recipes reproduced with permission from Wild Delicious by Amber Rose
Photography by Greta Kenyon and Claire Mossong
Published by Random House NZ

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