WORDS Joshua Brosnahan PHOTO Cassandra Kovacs

Stephanie Rumble is the sort of person everyone needs in their life.

Stephanie is a Christchurch based fashion stylist, a REPs registered fitness instructor, a mother to four teenagers, with a Master of Consumer and Applied Science to boot.

Over the past 12 years she has built a small empire around a lifestyle that is full of fashion, style and colour. The next step in her career could possibly be a first of its kind in New Zealand.


Stephanie’s latest endeavour is Accountability Coaching.

For the uninitiated, an Accountability Coach offers an individually tailored service that focuses on improving the four wellness areas in your life; nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress.

Stephanie connects with her clients through supportive messages, meetups and calls on a daily basis.

“I think, in this world, we’ve become so disconnected, that people don’t have someone there to hold their hand in an understanding, compassionate, but also tough way to keep them on their path.”

Stephanie’s Accountability Coaching has organically grown from “nothing to something” in recent months. The idea grew from an encounter with a friend who needed someone to keep them accountable for their wellbeing goals. She wanted to get healthy and lose weight.

Fast forward three months and Stephanie has a growing list of clients on board and her Accountability Coaching business is full steam ahead.

Stephanie works alongside personal trainers, dietitians and other health professionals to coach her clients back to wellness and health.

An initial consultation with new clients really gets to the core of where her clients are at, and what they are doing currently in terms of their overall wellness.

A typical day sees Stephanie’s clients checking in – sending pics of their food to her and pics of them working out at their tailored exercise programme.

“Everyone needs to move. 45 minutes a day, six times a week. It’s all about working out as our bodies are designed to.”

Even on the off days, Steph is there to talk it through and support her clients.

“You’re getting daily contact with me.”

Stephanie’s clients range from ladies in their 60s to teenagers. There’s something for everyone.

She also believes she is the only stylist and Accountability Coach in New Zealand, which gives her a huge point of difference. Stephanie likes to tie in personal styling services as a reward for achievements – goals are rewarded with a colour consultation session or a body shape analysis and once goals are met a shopping expedition to buy the new clothes for a new body.

“When you’re just a stylist, it’s tougher to develop the closeness with your clients in the same way. You might see them for an hour or so at a time, for a consultation and then they’re done.” Stephanie believes a genuine approach and kinship really makes Accountability Coaching successful for her clients.

“It sounds a little corny, but I feel like I’ve found my purpose just a little more."

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