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WORDS Liam Stretch PHOTOS Supplied 

Neil Lambert remembers the excitement of cinema gone by. Theatrics like a tipped over Jeep in the foyer of the Moorhouse cinema complex for the premiere of Jurassic Park are things you just don’t see anymore. For Neil, going to the movies should be an experience worth leaving home for. 

But out of the ashes of direct-to-tv films, a slice of movie magic is set to open in the ever-growing community of Wigram Skies, in west Christchurch. Business partners and cinephiles Neil Lambert and Ahmed Almukhtar want to bring back the excitement of the big screen with their passion project Silky Otter Cinemas. 

After meeting around 15 years ago while working in cinema, the pair have gone on to run various businesses, independently and together, and five years ago, the concept for Silky Otter was born. 

Silky Otter redefines what it means to go to the movies, designed to deliver an amazing experience for all customers. Every time. 

The duo spent years engineering the concept, travelling the globe to test cinema experiences in other countries, and studying the market to forecast what the future of cinema was going to look like. 

“The landscape was always going to change. So, we met with industry leaders to look at the future of cinema and how it needed to pivot in New Zealand,” Neil said. 

After getting a grasp on how their model would function, the first Silky Otter opened in 2019 at Ōrākei Bay Village in Auckland. But the Auckland site was just a taster of what was to come at The Landing in Wigram. Wigram is “the full noise”. 

Carefully hand-picked to create a seamless and immersive experience, Wigram will feature 50 seat auditoriums, bespoke state-of-the-art technology, a full-service kitchen with a curated menu, and perhaps best of all, movies with no ads. 

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Silky Otter is a game-changer, Ahmed said. “Words almost don’t do it justice; when you experience it, it will be unparalleled.” 

Although delivering cutting-edge technology is at the forefront, customer service is still the top priority for the cinema. 

“We have technology there to make the process fast and seamless when you visit, but there will always be one of our friendly team members on hand to help – whether you need a movie recommendation or help with the kiosks.” 

And this experience won’t be limited to the big cities. It was important for the duo to make sure Silky Otter could be rolled out to a range of locations. 

“We believe every Kiwi deserves the best cinema experience, no matter where they live. Silky Otter is for everyone, whether you’re in a main centre or regional town – it’s been built for you.” 

Wigram is set to open this month, and Neil and Ahmed are excited to continue to be champions of the big screen experience. “There are millions of dollars spent on making movies, and it’s our responsibility to provide the best viewing experience possible.”