Here, there, everywhere in between

Do you remember a film, a show, or a book from your childhood that made you want to be that person, go to that place, or do that job? Well, I do, many times over. And though I yearned to be an archaeologist (thanks Indiana Jones) and had a deep desire to travel the world in 80 days just as Phileas Fogg did or belt out Seasons of Love with a troupe of Rent cast members on Broadway, I found myself slipping into the shoes of the writers and journalists that had been constant characters bubbling away in my crock pot of media consumption. It’s their portrayal of anti-heroic ‘guardians’ of the world in dramatic interpretations that I found so gripping. They discovered things as Indiana did, travelled as Fogg did, and even had their moments on the stage – yet without the glitz and glamour of the more traditional hero. So, here’s to those anti-heroes that continue to inspire. 

Liam’s event picks for August, are here, and a selection of WORD Christchurch events are also here.