Unlike any place on earth

Kutwelo, a luxury travel agency, is connecting New Zealanders with the wonders of Africa and the roots of its founders. 

Warrick and Chené’s paths crossed through their shared passion for Africa’s wilderness. Spending most of her childhood in Christchurch, a safari back to South Africa reignited Chené’s connection to her birthplace. This led her to pursue a career in the luxury safari industry, and she began working as a guide – where she met Warrick. Warrick grew up in South Africa, spending his school holidays exploring game reserves. 

After years of thriving careers in the safari industry, they were ready for a new challenge. The couple returned to New Zealand. 

“We again call Christchurch home, and can now share our love and passion for Africa with our fellow Cantabrians and the rest of Aotearoa,” Chené says. 

This mission to stay connected to their roots and share Africa’s unparalleled beauty with New Zealanders saw them found Kutwelo, a luxury African travel agency that specialises in creating bespoke safari itineraries for discerning travellers. 

Chené and Warrick say the name Kutwelo is derived from the Xitsonga word meaning ‘a feeling’, which they say perfectly sums up a trip to Africa. 

“The experience of Africa cannot simply be described to someone; it needs to be felt through one’s own being.” 

For Chené and Warrick, Africa is perfect for tourists wanting to experience something different, and that is “unlike any other place on earth”.

“Africa is raw, wild, and beautiful in every sense. It carries with it an unmatched vibrancy and energy, and a profound sense of space and freedom. Pristine wilderness areas, incredible wildlife, and luxurious lodges offer world-class hospitality and service.” 

One of Kutwelo’s guiding principles, close to the couple’s heart, is ‘conservation’. 

“As travel specialists, we believe in using our resources to promote responsible and sustainable travel. We strive to minimise our environmental impact and are passionate about creating meaningful travel experiences that leave a positive and lasting impact on our planet.” 

Kutwelo’s destination list comprises 11 countries across the continent, including South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Zanzibar, and Madagascar. 

“We have chosen these countries as they have the most pristine wilderness areas with the highest concentrations of wildlife, offering exceptional game viewing and wilderness experiences throughout.” 

Chené says that those who might be apprehensive about travelling to Africa because of media influence should be reassured that no stone is left unturned, and “no matter where you go, the people are warm and welcoming”. 

“Overall, Africa is a safe destination to travel to, especially with the right areas chosen and flawless logistics in place. There is a very luxurious side to Africa, which is where our expertise lies. This includes some of the world’s best lodges with excellent hospitality and care at every touch point.” 

The pair say that this certainty starts with them, and their approach to working with clients is based on connection and communication. They begin with a chat via phone, video, or over coffee to understand your travel aspirations. They then curate a personalised itinerary, selecting ideal destinations and lodges, handling all logistics, and ensuring seamless travel. 

Chené mentions that they are keen to help Cantabrians experience all the luxuries Africa has to offer and shares one of their favourite quotes by singer Rich Mullins for anyone in doubt: “The only man I envy is the man who has not yet been to Africa; for he has so much to look forward to.” 

@kutwelo | kutwelo.com

Liam Stretch